Fixing Sitting is the New Smoking
Posted by JOANNA C

You may have heard the new way of describing how sitting for prolonged periods of time impact health negatively: sitting “is the new smoking.” It may sound extreme, but its’ basis is rooted in the fact that prolonged sitting leads to increased risk of ill health, obesity, and shorter lifespans. Yet, for the millions of people who work desk jobs, are confined, or spend lots of time at their desks studying, how can they balance the damage? According to a new study from Columbia University, you have to get up from your...
One Hour in Nature Shapes the Brain
Posted by JOANNA C

If you notice feeling more centered and less stressed after spending time walking in nature, it’s not just an emotional response. Even though we’ve understood the way nature can impact wellbeing, we’re now finding changes within the brain right after walking in nature which proves just how influential it can be. After walking for one hour in a forest, the brain experiences changes. Research finds that when compared to shopping on a street with traffic, the walk in nature decreases activity in the brain regions that are activated during times of stress. ...
Water for Longevity & Cognition
Posted by JOANNA C

If you’re interested in maximizing your brain power and getting every last ounce of productivity out of your day, you’re probably not drinking enough water as you go! When you couple that with a lot of high-energy, dehydrating beverages like coffee and tea, you are adding extra stress on your body which, in turn, affects the brain. Aside from achieving better general wellness when you drink enough water, staying hydrated may be one the key ways to fight the battle of aging. The latest findings from the National Institutes of Health found that...
How Your Sleep Needs Change
Posted by JOANNA C

If it seems like you’re getting less sleep in your 30’s, or sleeping more after you turn 50, it’s not just a coincidence. New research has found that the amount of time spent sleeping changes several times throughout one’s lifetime—and can even be different depending on your geographical location. The University College London teamed up with two other research teams from the East Anglia and Lyon to take a deeper look at the findings from a neuroscience research project that’s currently underway where participants are playing the Sea Hero Quest game. ...
Make Time for Music for Cognition
Posted by JOANNA C

Listening to music is a great way to reduce stress and improve mood and motivation. While not everyone has time or the inclination to learn a musical instrument, it seems like some of the most intelligent and cognitively-flexible people we know have had some experience playing an instrument. What is it about learning music that seems to benefit the brain? Comparing learning an instrument to listening to music, a recent study from the University of Bath finds that choosing to learn an instrument has significantly greater results in enhancing cognitive power. ...
Veggies, Fruit, and Tea for Best Memory
Posted by JOANNA C

If you ever needed another reason to eat your fruits and vegetables, the most recent study from the American Academy of Neurology gives us yet another reason we should make vegetables, fruits, and tea a top dietary resolution. Memory loss can be a normal part of the aging process, but it can swing into extreme decline when high levels of inflammation and other risk factors are present. One of the most important way to combat memory decline and preserve memory while aging is related to diet, specifically a diet high in flavonols. ...
Breath as a Cognitive Tool
Posted by JOANNA C

Most of us know that breathing can help slow down the sympathetic nervous system and help us feel calmer by taking several deep breaths when stress creeps up on us, but a recent study finds that the power of the breath extends much further. Breathing influences brain functions much closer than previously believed. Even the distinction between inhaling and exhaling exerts different results on the brain. Attention to surroundings is higher during an inhale, but outside stimulus is reduced and more focus to the task at hand is present when we exhale. ...
Fun Facts About Brain Freeze
Posted by JOANNA C

When we’re enjoying your favorite cold treat and suddenly struck with that unique type of intense cold in your head, we’re quick to say we’ve got a brain freeze. Freezing our brains doesn’t sound good; but it’s actually a complex phenomenon which may even have benefits! What exactly is a “brain freeze”? It’s a sensation produced by nerves in the palate of the mouth (specifically the sphenopalatine ganglion) which sends the message to the brain to feel a headache when cold activates those nerve bundles. This ganglion of nerves is connected with...
Yoga Can Change Your Brain
Posted by JOANNA C

While you’re striving to enhance cognition, getting regular physical activity is definitely something you don’t want to overlook. Exercise fuels the brain with oxygen-giving blood flow and releases endorphins that help maximize the performance of the brain and body. It’s true that any activity is better than no activity; but if you’re interested in growing your hippocampus, take note of a recent study! The hippocampus is the area of the brain which is responsible for learning, memory, and attention. Many nootropics focus on improving or activating key functions and processes of this brain...
Longevity & Coffee
Posted by JOANNA C

Coffee may be one of the most under-rated nootropics out there, and it’s certainly had its fair share of controversy for health. Everything from caffeine dependency to tolerance levels, experiencing withdrawals, jitters, and dehydration, to name a few. However, some of the unique factors that are present in coffee have given researchers something to think about. A recent study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has found benefits to drinking coffee—even the decaf kind! It’s long been known that coffee drinkers seem to have less cardiovascular concerns (except if you’re one...
Hack Old Age One Step at a Time
Posted by JOANNA C

We’re always talking about how to hack areas of our health for certain results, and longevity is always an area of focus for biohackers. New and novel supplements are coming out regularly which look promising for keeping cellular health in top condition, mitigating damage to cellular DNA, and even helping chromosomes last longer in the body’s cells. One of the best ways to lengthen your time on earth may not involve any of those at all! Research coming from the European Society of Cardiology studied the results of...
Micro Breaks for Mega Success
Posted by JOANNA C

The results are in, and breaks are now one of the best ways to ensure that you’re performing at your cognitive best. Reviewing 22 previous studies about breaks and productivity over the past thirty years, researchers discovered a pattern between taking frequent breaks and better cognitive function. These aren’t the typical fifteen-minute breaks allotted per number of hours worked that focus on working large percentages of the day before taking a break. Instead, these are micro-breaks. In the studies, participants performed tasks both in and out of the office and...